The World’s Strongest Man

Client: The World's Strongest Man

Agency: Brand & Deliver

Role: Wordpress Development

Brand & Deliver trusted us with the complete build of this WordPress driven project for a huge brand. We had our tech team working remotely from the Stamford office, connected through Slack channels to ensure the project manager and account manager at the agency had a direct line, and iterative updates to progress on a daily basis.



We worked to a very tight deadline for this project, ensuring that the project manager was kept abreast of development every step of the way. The whole site was turned around in a little under 2 weeks, including quality assurance testing and deployment to the live server.


Keeping our team small and agile meant that we were highly efficient in delivering this project. With under 2 weeks on the clock, we only ran up a bill of 11 days in total for the whole thing. Meaning the agency could charge the client a fair rate for a premium turnaround.

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ZAG Agency
3 Broad Street, Stamford
Lincolnshire, PE9 1PG

We’re open Monday to Friday
9am - 4pm
(yes, we work short days - it's better for everyone)