The Janger

Client: The Janger

Agency: Brand & Deliver

Role: Wordpress Development

Brand & Deliver have become one of our most regular agencies over the years, we’ve worked with them on so many projects we can’t even list them all here. The Janger was a fantastic site (and a great idea!) that had a wonderfully colourful design. We were tasked with turning the PSD files into a fully functional WordPress site using a bespoke theme.


Branding Matters

The branding of this project was very important to the client and the agency. The colours had to match perfectly and the design really had to be exactly as per the PSD files our development team received. We managed to deliver the site on time, on budget (as usual) and it exceeded the expectations of the client, as we'd created a couple of bespoke plugins which made administration of the site infinitely easier for them.

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