Want to know more about Zag Agency?

If you still aren’t sure about Zag Agency, let us tell you a little bit more about why we exist. We think that we’re slightly unique. There are quite a few development-heavy resources who work specifically with creative agencies, but we don’t think there are many operating here in the UK.

Outsourcing abroad can be great if and when you get a fantastic team. But that doesn’t always happen. Then language barriers, different time-zones and everything else in the middle gets in the way, right? But what if you had a fantastic development resource, that only works with creative agencies (never direct with clients) on-hand, in the UK (albeit Lincolnshire!), with seven developers in the same office, all working 9-5 AND charging a very competitive day-rate of £400 per day plus VAT? Well, then we think you would say that you’d be onto a winner.

We have the experience you need

As freelancers, Rob Fenech and our wider team have worked with huge agencies across the country. But, as we’re people of our word – we only put work on our portfolio that has been agreed by the creative agency. So, we can’t show you the work we’ve done for huge sports clubs, we can’t mention the project we did for a massive electronics company and we can’t even tell you about the fantastic work we do for girls who wear bunny ears in their day to day job! We don’t put credits on our site, everything is in your name. We’re simply an extension of YOUR agency.

View Our Work

We make it easy to work together

We think that the very best way to work together is by using the most agile approaches.

Slack Trello BitBucket

We have a Slack channel for day to day communication with your account manager(s), we use Trello boards for development sprints and bug fixing along the way, and of course the whole process is managed under version control with BitBucket, so we have iterative releases along the way.

We can deal with just the development, or we can handle the development and deployment for you too. If you don’t have a server or hosting experience, we can set all of that up with you, holding your hand along the way. We make the whole process as simple as possible!

Get in touch

Call us on +44 (0) 1780 908121

Email us at hello@zagagency.co.uk

Find us here

ZAG Agency
3 Broad Street, Stamford
Lincolnshire, PE9 1PG

We’re open Monday to Friday
9am - 4pm
(yes, we work short days - it's better for everyone)